Bathroom Excellence 1998/2012
ADI Design Index @ Cersaie 2013
year: 2004 adi design index: pag. 133
product: Evolution Tonda
designer: Lenci Design
company: Teuco Guzzini
product type: Shower
mention: Hounorable Mention
description: In addition to being an attractive piece of bathroom décor - the sum total of the services and accessories with which it is fitted - it is also highly evolved in terms of facilitated production. The tray is made of Duralast, the walls of water-repellent tempered glass, the direction of the seat (there are two of them in the oval version) can be changed, while the taps and shower head can be used for a vertical massage. The cabin is fitted with a hand shower unit, a deviator, a thermostatic mixer tap and an electronic control panel for the various different functions. The cabin can also be specified as a multipurpose and sauna version, with a luminous ceiling and with provision for hi-fi connections.