Bathroom Excellence 1998/2012
ADI Design Index @ Cersaie 2013
year: 2008 adi design index: pag. 66
product: I Frammenti Mix/I Frammenti Glossy
designer: Claudio Silvestrin
company: Brix
product type: Tile
mention: Hounorable Mention
description: Minute mosaic stones made of porcelained stoneware. The end product is a sheet measuring 30 cm square and comprising 2304 infinitesimally small cubes bonded together by a silicon adhesive. A “field of fragments” designed by its creator to lighten the material and reveal its essential fluidity. During the attachment process, the miniature stones are placed at random, without any pattern logic, creating unpredictable compositions. The Mix version features equal proportions of three different colours. In the Glossy version, the sheet is enamelled to a high sheen once assembly has been completed.