Bologna - Italy    23 - 27 / 09 / 2024

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2024 Exhibitors Catalogue

Hall 25 Stand B135

41049 SASSUOLO (MO) - Italy

Telephone: 0536 832477
Contact the company

Ceramica Mediterranea is the only Italian producer of porcelain stoneware at 0 km.
The raw materials come exclusively from the quarries of Sardinia and are processed on the island by local workers. For 30 years, the production plant in Guspini, in southern Sardinia, has been producing numerous ceramic collections, in various sizes, decorations and thicknesses, perfectly in line with the contemporary needs of interior design and architecture. A multitude of solutions for indoor, outdoor, and driveway floors and walls, distinguished by their authentic naturalness. Creations that combine refined design with the high technical performance of porcelain stoneware, to give shape to a unique and distinctive style.
The materials interpret a series of key elements and symbols of Sardinian culture and tradition, to narrate it to the world through the precious ceramic surface. A sustainable reality in any true understanding of the word, where all raw materials and human capital are local. A company that follows the principles of circular economy using renewable energy for self-consumption and where all the waste from the production cycle is recovered and reused.
For Ceramica Mediterranea it is important to remain faithful to its identity, designing the future starting from the land that hosts it. Entering its world means taking a trip to discover the authentic Sardinian land and its beauty.




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