Bologna - Italy    23 - 27 / 09 / 2024

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Logo Building, Dwelling, Thinking

Building, dwelling, thinking is back with great international architecture

Building, dwelling, thinking is Cersaie’s cultural programme dedicated to architecture and design.

Each year Cersaie invites famous architects from all over the world to discuss their projects and their visions of contemporary architecture. 

To date, 10 Pritzker Prize winners gave a keynote lecture at Cersaie: Shigeru Ban, Tom Mayne, Renzo Piano, Kazuyo Sejima, Eduardo Souto De Moura, Rafael Moneo, Toyo Ito, Glenn Murcutt, Norman Foster and Richard Rogers.

In collaboration with:
Logo ProViaggiArchitettura
In partnership with:
Logo CNAPPCLogo Architetti BolognaLogo ADILogo CPG

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