Bologna - Italy    23 - 27 / 09 / 2024

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To achieve this naturalness, we have employed a technique similar to the treatment applied to wood. Upon a matte base with a slight relief, we have applied a covering, as if it were a varnish, to give it that smooth and natural finish. This covering allows us to digitally reproduce each of the veins of the original wood, with great depth and realism.

The collection consists of different models, all combinable with each other, offering multiple installation possibilities and different styles. It's not just another wood; it's a complete program of flooring and cladding for any environment.

LINE 60X120: The reinterpretation of wood planks. Thanks to the precision in our manufacturing, we have been able to reproduce very fine planks withminimal joints. With maximum simplicity and delicacy to bring elegance in any of its colors.

FOREST 60X120: The most decorative bet of the collection. Fine marquetry highlighted by digital effects, with organic motifs to create special environments.

DECOR 90X90: Our version of classic marquetry, renewed with current colors and with precision and detail worthy of the best cabinetmaker.

SQUARE 90x90: Another marquetry of flooring where ceramic formats are blurred to create elegant and contemporary surfaces.


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Product sectors:

Porcelain stoneware - Red stoneware
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