Touch Concept
GSG Ceramic Design aims at creating tactile sensations in the bathroom setting and offers a strongly marked style. Touch is
matter for water and shaped by water, offered to man in the form of a poetical object: for those who look for significance in shapes, Touch becomes an ever-changing object, always consistent with the passing of time and ready to serve body and mind. It is
a search for naturalness, the movement of shapes, the desire to surround oneself with shapes offered by Nature that becomes
an archetype, it is a modus vivendi , the only way of living in absolute consistent harmony. The plastic gesture characterising
the whole set is the almost manual moulding of a place to house water and shape matter in order to reuse it in a non traumatic
way. Objects thus take on an old-fashioned craftsmanlike value which has nothing in common with industrialized shapes we are
usually surrounded by. The underlying message is: let’s rediscover the taste for objects that can win the challenge against time
through renewed integrity of shapes and their intended use