Bologna - Italy    23 - 27 / 09 / 2024

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2024 Exhibitors Catalogue


Brutalist architecture, from daily coexistence with modernist works that crudely reveal concrete.

Pure, just the concrete. Concrete and its marks. The surface. The material. The Synthesis.

A route of projects from Masp to corporate buildings by Slovak architect Hans Broos, which includes the original Parque Portobello Building and Cia. Hering Building in Santa Catarina, made it possible to dive into this architectural language and its marks, printed on concrete.

Archeology as design. The evidence revealed was a reference for the process. Every trace, every crack, every reaction with the steel, every impression of a wooden shape.

Finally, a Synthesis. Of design, of technology, of a look that selects and refines.

Síntese is the new Portobello material. Unshakable in revealing herself pure.


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Porcelain stoneware
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