Bologna - Italy    23 - 27 / 09 / 2024

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2024 Exhibitors Catalogue


Immensity. Immense trees, immense forests, immense nature. Given all the beauty of
this nature, we rescued several species along the way.

Fragments that always bring the history of their trees.

Veins, cathedrals, us. The language of wood.

Given all this, choices. Do things another way. The forest stands.

In ceramics, the story of the trees. From the immensity of the Amazonia to the created
surfaces. Intentionally created to cover and express all this strength.

Jequitibá, Muiracatiara, Muirapiranga, Sucupira, Timburi. Immensity of species.
Amazonia. Our nature.


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Porcelain stoneware
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