Bologna - Italy    23 - 27 / 09 / 2024

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Milleluci awarded with the Honourable Mention of the Compasso d'Oro Award

ADI - Association for Industrial Design, awarded with the Honourable Mention of the Compasso d'Oro 2020 the Milleluci - Italian Style Concept Exhibition, the fourth B2B exhibit designed and set up by Cersaie and curated by Angelo Dall'Aglio and Davide Vercelli.

The Honorable Mention rewards the excellence of the Italian productive network and is an important recognition of the structural value of projects that will fully become part of the Compasso d'Oro Historical Collection.

The Milleluci - Italian Style Concept project will be exhibited, together with the other awarded projects, in the spaces of the ADI Design Museum in Milan from 9 to 16 September 2020.

The exhibition and event

“Without light and shade and the scenery that it generates, there can no longer be any kind of design: all shapes become flat, resulting in characterless uniformity”

Cersaie’s fourth collective B2B exhibition is inspired by and named after Milleluci, the Italian television show presented by Mina and Raffaella Carrà in 1974 famous for its original, ground-breaking format.

The concept

Just as Milleluci consisted of 8 episodes, each with a specific theme, so too the exhibition will be divided into ten thematic sets, each devoted to a specific cinematographic or theatrical genre

Just like previous years’ exhibitions, Milleluci will help boost the economy by bringing selected high-end companies into contact with international buyers and a public of professionals constantly in search of new creative ideas.

The sets

Visitors will find themselves immersed in a variety of scenarios as part of a multisensorial journey, where luminous atmospheres combine with classical forms and different styles to enhance matter, surfaces and product design. They will be catapulted into a famous spy story or an internationally acclaimed musical, a science fiction or horror film, a cartoon or a western 

All with special light effects and visually striking scenery

Milleluci virtual tour 360°


Milleluci - photogallery

The curators

Angelo Dall'Aglio born in Bologna in 1969, he graduated in architecture - industrial and interior design at the Politecnico of Milan; from 2015 he is a manager at Promos srl, the Cersaie show management

Davide Vercelli born in Varallo (Vc) in 1966, he graduated in engineering at the Politecnico of Turin; designer and art director, he received two mentions for the Compasso d'oro and fancy international awards:Design Plus, the International Design Awards and the Good Design Award 


where and when

Cersaie - Hall 30
Bologna, Exhibition centre
25 - 29 September 2017
opening hours: Mon/Thu 9.00 a.m. - 7.00 p.m.
Fri 9.00 a.m. - 6.00 p.m.

Galleria Cavour
Bologna City centre
24 - 30 September 2017
opening hours: 9.30 a.m. - 8.00 p.m.


exhibit promoted by:  BolognaFiere  Logo Edi.Cer. spa  Logo Promos srl

organized by:  Logo Promos srl

set up:    Logo BFS

project by angelo dall’aglio and davide vercelli