Bologna - Italy    23 - 27 / 09 / 2024

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Apuano Oro

The mountainous profiles of the marble basins, in the distance, fancifully reproduce the
form of snowy peaks. It is the Apuan Alps that, with their stunning immensity of quarries
that look towards the sky, inspire the composition of Apuano Oro.

The coating reveals veins in shades of gray and gold. These same expressive and
extensive designs fill the entire surface of the marble with a white background in a
representation faithfully close to a portrait of the beautiful Alps.

Protagonist of a classic and contemporary esthetic, Apuano Oro harmonizes in contexts
that enrich and highlight its characteristics. It is versatile through excellence.

In the natural and polished finishes, the line is made up of formats: 120x120, 60x120 and
90x90. The Stream relief, in the 60x120 format, creates the effect of movement for internal
and external walls; and the Apuano Oro Hexa, a 20x20 coating, has a hexagonal cut to
create different atmospheres.


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Porcelain stoneware
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