Bologna - Italy    23 - 27 / 09 / 2024

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The best of Cersaie 2022 - Thursday Preview

The Cersaie 2022 Fair is ending. The 5 days event dedicated to ceramics and architecture continues its journey, providing unprecedented previews of the new year's innovations and trends and updating on the different possible approaches to design sustainable architecture.


The events of the fourth day

On 29 September, the penultimate day of Cersaie 2022, the main focus will be on sustainability and architecture in dialogue with nature. Practical and theoretical training sessions will also give the opportunities for professionals in the sector to keep up to date.

At 10.00 am The Matinées of Città della Posa - Presentation of the news on the market dedicated to laying

The fourth day of the International Exhibition of Ceramic Tile and Bathroom Furnishings begins with a comparison on the latest innovations in the world of installation to identify and anticipate the next design trends. The Platinum Members of Assoposa will take the floor: Fila, Mapei and Raimondi.

At 10.30 am noa * Talk: "Sustainability: beyond the thermal coefficient"

We are back to talking about sustainability, but this time through the words and eyes of Stefan Rier, specifically aimed at urban architecture. Achieving a good thermal coefficient is not the only way to promote sustainability and he demonstrates this by presenting some projects of the NOA * network of architecture studio. A Talk that rediscovers the challenge of finding new opportunities where at first it seems difficult.

At 10.30 am "The house outside the city communicates with nature"

A return to nature has already been noticed in the latest proposals for interior and exterior furnishings. Giovanni Morelli tackles the issue, rediscovering the infinite possibilities of dialogue with nature in out of town homes. Architects Joseph Di Pasquale and Edoardo Milesi will take part in the discussion.


During the event, it will be possible to deepen and explain the project with Gerd Bergmeister & Michaela Wolf .

12.00 am "The materials of architecture: the project as a responsible choice"

The use of materials that do not negatively affect the environment is not only a sustainable choice, but above all a responsible one. Nicola Leonardi takes an in-depth look at the topic by taking a well-rounded look at the realisation of an architectural project. In dialogue with Architect Susanna Tradati, Associate Partner of Studio Nemesi and Architect Stefano Gri , Co-Founder of GEZA Architecture.

At 2.00 pm "Large Slabs and UNI Standard 11493: Design, Installation and Maintenance"

The afternoon begins with an unmissable appointment for designers: the technical seminar dedicated to training and professional updating. It will be given the opportunity to learn not only the theoretical part, but also to attend practical demonstrations. Training credits will also be awarded for the occasion based on the professional category to which they belong: 4 CFPs for Architects, 3 CFPs for Engineers, 4 CFPs for Surveyors.

At 3.00 pm Manuel Herz

To continue, another training appointment with the guide of Manuel Herz , at the end of which 2 Professional Training Credits will be awarded for architects and surveyors.

At 3.00 pm "Color, materials, ideas: from creative project to sustainable project"

Elena Dallorso discusses with Daniele Daminelli of Studio 2046 about the creative process of a project starting from the initial ideas up to the actual realization and its sustainable implementation.

At 16.00 "Beauty + Technology = Impact"

With Pininfarina Architecture, the approach to sustainability changes once again and becomes holistic. There is a discussion on how not only the environmental, but also the economic and social aspects can be addressed. From this perspective, architecture becomes a set of disciplines and complex skills combined with each other. The focus is therefore mainly on the planning phases preceding the design: the creation of a business plan and the assessment of the additional, intentional and measurable social impact.

At 16.00 "Cities meet people"

Laura Ragazzola discusses with the architect Filippo Taidelli and Tommaso Maserati about the two-way relationship between the city and the people who inhabit it.

At 16.00 Assoposa Academy and Ceramic Tile Layer Certification

As on previous days, on 29 September it will be possible during the Cersaie Exhibition to acquire the Ceramic Tile Layer Certification in line with UNI EN ISO 17024. Course and certificate are promoted by Assoposa, which has aligned its training with the laying and design rules of Standard 11493. The neutrality of the certification is also guaranteed by the collaboration with an external Certification Body.


Cersaie Digital to overcome distances: networking and streaming

Cersaie Digital is the Fair's digital platform, the great novelty of the 2022 Cersaie edition. The platform offers many advantages.

For professionals in the sector, investors, and contractors, it represents a pool of networking opportunities, considering that previous editions have also been attended by top players from the national and international market. Moreover, the platform creates the opportunity to follow in streaming all the speech and events on the program, facilitating participation.


What awaits you Friday


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