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Cersaie 2011: Conferences and Seminars
Best Showroom Award 2011

Wednesday 21 September - 11.00 a.m.
Sala Concerto, Services Centre - Wing D

Competition organised by Il Bagno Oggi e Domani with the support of Confindustria Ceramica

Best Showroom Award is the competition organized by the magazine “Il Bagno Oggi & Domani” for awarding those distributors who have achieved outstanding results in the bathroom furnishing sector.

The award, now in its third year, gathers together those showrooms that have shown notable innovation, display nous and promotion expertise over the course of the year in brand name sales.

The competition is open to all showrooms and workshops in the bathroom furniture sector that sell a selection of brand names at their Italian offices and is split in to the categories Display Competence, Promotion and Marketing, On-line Presence.
Companies that sell Italian ceramics and bathroom furniture in the showrooms abroad can participate in the special category Made in Italy Distribution abroad.