Odile Decq

Biographical note
Odile Decqis a French architect and urban planner who rose to international fame in 1990 with her first major commission: La Banque Populaire de l’Ouest in Rennes, France. Since then she has maintained her combative approach while diversifying and radicalising her research. Receiving the Golden Lion for Architecture at the Venice Biennale in 1996 gave an extraordinary early boost to her career. Odile Decq’s work is more than just a style, attitude or process, it is a complete universe spanning urban planning, architecture, design and art.
She has received numerous awards, most recently the Jane Drew Prize in 2016 and Architizer’s Lifetime Achievement Award in 2017.
Odile Decq has been teaching architecture for over 25 years and has held guest professorships at a number of prestigious universities, including Bartlett University in London and Columbia University in New York. She has occupied directorships at schools of architecture such as the École Spéciale d’Architecture in Paris from 2007 to 2012, an experience that prompted her to found her own school in Paris in 2014.
Her latest projects include Antares tower (Barcelona, Spain 2021); The Twist offices building (Paris, France 2019); the Study Hall (Lyon, France, 2017); Le Cargo (Paris, France, 2016); La Résidence Saint-Ange (Seyssins, France, 2015); Fangshan Tangshan National Geopark Museum (Nanjing, China, 2015); GL Events headquarters (Lyon, France, 2014); FRAC Bretagne (Rennes, France, 2012); Phantom: Opéra Garnier Restaurant (Paris, France, 2011) and MACRO Contemporary Art Museum (Rome, Italy, 2010).