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Cersaie 2014: Conferences and Seminars
The place of sound

Tuesday 23 September - 10.00 a.m.
Galleria dell'architettura - Gall.21/22


Higini Arau More

Higini Arau

PhD. Physical Sciences by the Barcelona University

Biographical notes

He is external professor of Masters of Acoustic in la Universidad Ramón Llull (La Salle) de Barcelona, UEM Europe Universidad Madrid, UN Navarra Universidad, Universitat Internacinal de Catalunya UIC, etc, and performed master classes in several Universities and Tecnological Centers of Spain.

- Member of the Sociedad Española de Acústica SEA (member of the board of director team) since 1971.
- Member since 2013, and associate member since 1976 of the Acoustical Society of America ASA
- Firm member of the National Council of Acoustical Consultants since 2013.
- Member of the European Acoustics Association EAA since 2000.Professor of Master in Acoustics in the  - Ramón Llull University (La Salle) in Barcelona, UEM European University Madrid, UN Navarra University,

- JUAN VIGON Research Award given by the “Patronato of the Aero spatial Technique national Institute Esteban Terrades (1980 / 1981)”.
- Rehabitec award 1996: Metropol Theater in Tarragona.
- FAD award. Special Mention in recognition for his work, in the last years, in numerous and important  architectural projects (2000).
- Accessit Construmat 2001 by Institut del Teatre.
- Diploma of silver of the Acoustical Society of America ASA.
- Certificate of recognition of Portuguese Acoustics Society.
- Design award "Auszeichnung gutes Bauen 2006-2010", Switzerland, for the Tonhalle of St. Gallen.


1. An improved Reverberation Formula (#)(1988). Acustica (Hirzel Verlag)Vol 65 nº4, 163-180. Veure NOTA) (*)
2. Variation of the Reverberation Time of places of public assembly with audience size (1997). Building Acoustics, Volume 4 nº 2.
3. General theory of the energy relations in halls with asymmetrical absorption (1999). Building Acoustics vol 5 nº3.
4. Increasing the Acoustic Volume of Performance Spaces without Altering the Internal Dimensions. Acta Acustica united Acustica, Vol 98 (2012) 309-316.
5.The Refurbishment of Orchestra of Rehearsal Room of Great Theater of Liceu, Journal Building Acoustics, Vol 19, number 1, 2012.
6. The Refurbishment of Tonhalle St.Gallen.  Journal Building Acoustics, Vol 19, number 3, 2012.
7. Sound Pressure Levels in Rooms: A Study of Steady State Intensity, Total Sound Level, Reverberation Distance, New Discussion of Steady Intensity, and the other Experimental Formulae. Journal Building Acoustics, Vol 19, number 3, 2012, and others.

NOTE: Theses scientific publications have been and are actually cited in numerous scientific publications and books of the highest level.

ABC de la acústica arquitectónica (1999). Book published by Ceac.

He has been Chairman and co-Chairman in many national and international congresses and invited professor in most of the congresses since 2000, like INTERNOISE, FIA, SEA, Acoustics Institute ICA and ISRA.

Higini Arau has worked 40 years as an acoustical consultant to most of the world's leading architects.
In his work he tried to project the best sound with maximum respect for the architectural design.

His contribution to architecture through sound has been highly recognized worldwide. His large work can be examined on its website

In the scientific field acoustic contribution is well known. His theories now occupy together with Sabine and Eyring a special place in most spreadsheet programs sold in the world, such as the Odeon and WinRT 60.


Lorenzo Palmeri More

Lorenzo Palmeri


Biographical notes

Architectural degree from Politecnico of Milan and initial work experience and collaborative projects with Bruno Munari and Isao Hosoe. During the same period also studies music. Areas of activity range from architecture, interior and product design, art direction, teachings to musical production and composition.

He designed many things, from houses to guitars, lamps, tables ..., chocolate pralines.
As Art Director: Milanosoundesign (with Giulio Iacchetti); 16 designer per Invicta, 2007; Lefel (brand extension for Feltrinelli Editore), 2009-2010; DesignRe (with Giovanni Pelloso); Arthemagroup, 2010; Stone italiana, since 2012.

From 1997 he also teaches. Held lectures and conferences in Italy and abroad Institute.

In the musical field: composes for theatrical performances, films and specific events.
In 2009 comes out his first pop album “preparativi per la pioggia”.

A few of his clients: Fumagalli componenti, Valenti Luce, Arthemagroup, Korg, Noah guitar, Garofoli, Andreoli, Guzzini, Invicta, Upgroup, Caffè River, De Vecchi, Nissan, Feltrinelli, Napapijri, Biò fireplace, Pandora Design, Lavazza, Corvasce, Danese, Knam, Caimi Brevetti, Stone Italiana.

He partecipates to important design personal and collective exhibitions.
His projects won numerous international prizes among whom Adi Design Index and Good Design Award.

Currently he is working on the launch of his second album “erbamatta” and various projects in design and architectural fields.

Saturnino More


Biographical notes

 Saturnino (Ascoli Piceno, 1969) is regarded by critics as one of the top international bassists. A composer of both cult and popular music, Saturnino made his solo recording debut in 1995 with Testa di basso, an album that reveals his exceptional technical mastery and a never self-serving virtuosity, as well as outstanding compositional skills and eclecticism. Saturnino wrote all the tracks on Testa di basso and alternates on bass, drums and guitar.
The album met with considerable critical and public acclaim and was the only work by an Italian artist to be released on the prestigious American label Verve. The same year, Verve invited Saturnino to perform at the official Italian presentation at the Propaganda club in Milan alongside Chris Botti and Gary Thomas.
However, Testa di basso was not Saturnino’s first recording experience as he had previously collaborated with Lorenzo Jonavotti in 1991 as bassist and co-writer. He went on to record a total of eight albums with Jovanotti, including a live double album.
His other solo CDs are Zelig (1996), the live album SaTOURnino (1997) and Clima (2000). A versatile instrumentalist capable of adapting to any style, his albums bring together inspirations ranging from his classical music studies (he began studying violin at the age of five) to his passion for funk, jazz, rock and hip hop. Although his music lends itself naturally to a wide range of influences, it rejects all forms of direct reference. Saturnino embraces a concept of musical nomadism in which the artist can move freely in musical territory previously occupied by others. He shuns passive repetition and instead uses creativity to achieve fresh and complex forms of musical expression.
A milestone in Saturnino’s musical and personal development was his meeting in 1991 with Lorenzo Jovanotti. The strong rapport established between the two spawned such successful tracks as L’ombelico del mondo, Io No, Penso Positivo and Salvami. Saturnino also provided the powerful rhythmic base for Il mio nome è mai più, a track recorded by Pierò Pelù, Jovanotti and Ligabue in 1999 to support Emergency. With sales topping six hundred thousand, it became one of the most successful singles of the past decade.



Video interview

Saturnino 720
Lorenzo Palmeri
Higini Arau