Bologna - Italy    23 - 27 / 09 / 2024

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Cazzuola Lama Acciaio

- Material: The blade is made of steel, which gives it strength and resistance to wear and corrosion.

- Tip Shape: Tips can have various shapes (square, round, olive leaf, cat's tongue, sharp), depending on the specific use and size of the trowel.

- Finish: The surface of the blade is satin, often treated with anti-corrosion coatings.

- Size: 18cm (square, round) - 16cm (square, round) - 14cm (all shapes)

-Handle: the handle is made of plastic. Ergonomic handles are designed to provide comfort during extended use.

- Inclination: the blade is fixed to the handle with a precise inclination which facilitates the work of applying and smoothing the materials.

- Usage: The trowel is used to collect, apply and spread mortar, cement, plaster and other construction materials.
It is also used for finishing surfaces, ensuring uniform distribution of materials.

- Advantages of the Steel Blade
Durability: Steel is a durable material that can withstand heavy use without warping.
Easy Cleaning: Steel surfaces are relatively easy to clean after use.
Precision: The sharpness and rigidity of the steel allow precise work, essential for details and finishing.


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