Bologna - Italy    23 - 27 / 09 / 2024

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Miniature Cera

Miniature is the container for the collections in the new 6x24 cm small size of Marca Corona, a collection that tells of the skilful magic of tradition and innovation, aesthetics and research. The small size is a treasure trove of inspirations from materials worked by skilful craftsmen's hands and stylistic experiments made in Italy. Miniature brings together all the creativity of the 6x24 cm formats, solutions designed to suit every interior design trend.

Miniature Cera is expressed through a palette of eight colours that provide colour balance and an elegant combination of pigments: the colour is saturated even in the lightest shades, but never flat. The slight light-darkness of the layers, reminiscent of pigment deposits, obtains an original graphic play that enriches the walls.


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