Bologna - Italy    22 - 26 / 09 / 2025

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Media kit

Exhibitors catalogue - APP

Download the free Exhibitors Catalogue App CERSAIE, available for iOS and Android.

The advertising package includes the following position: if you purchase one or more positions from the list below, you also receive 1 rotating banner.

Download Exhibitors Catalogue App sheet

Home Page box

Cod. 102022024

Technical specifications
Static box
Dimensions: 750x350 px (WxH)
Files formats: jpg, png in RGB with resolution 72 dpi.
Important: please name the files with your Company name.

Rate: € 5.000,00

Alphabetical order box

Cod. 102022025

Technical specifications
Static box
Dimensions: 750x188 px (WxH)
Files formats: jpg, png in RGB with resolution 72 dpi.
Important: please name the files with your Company name.

Rate: € 4.800,00

Exhibiting sector search box

Cod. 102022026

Technical specifications
Static box
Dimensions: 750x188 px (WxH)
Files formats: jpg, png in RGB with resolution 72 dpi.
Important: please name the files with your Company name.

Rate: € 4.800,00

Hall search box

Cod. 102022027

Technical specifications
Static box
Dimensions: 750x188 px (WxH)
Files formats: jpg, png in RGB with resolution 72 dpi.
Important: please name the files with your Company name.

Rate: € 4.800,00

Footer hall + Banner on the totem info located in the hall

Cod. 102022023

Technical specifications
Footer hall
Static box
Dimensions: 750x188 px (WxH)

Banner on the totem info located in the hall
Static banner
Dimensions: 1,080x480 px (WxH)

Files formats: jpg, png in RGB with resolution 72 dpi.
Important: please name the files with your Company name.

Rate: € 3.000,00

Rotating banner:

Technical specifications
inside banner: file jpg 750x188 px (WxH)

Material delivery

Ad. forwarding deadline for publication no later than 12 June 2024.
Forward the Ad. material to:


  • Include the name of the exhibiting Company in the filename
  • The Ad. material must be in compliance with the official policies of the app stores as per Terms and Conditions of Use; in particular: it is strictly forbidden to publish violent or harmful contents that violate the rights of others, and/or to promote external on-line stores. In case of non-compliance with the received material, the developer will be entitled to contact your Company
  • The images will be rastered to 72 dpi by the system
  • Provide the contact name, e-mail address and telephone number of agency or individual who produced Ad.

More info:

Eugenio Strali -
Gabriele Aluigi -
Beatrice Coltelli -
E-mail: - Tel. +39 051 6646000