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Cersaie 2009: Conferences and Seminars
Forthcoming EC construction product regulations (CPR)

Friday 02 October - 3.00 p.m.
Galleria dell'Architettura

The Construction Products Directive (CPD, Directive 89/106/EEC) will be replaced by a Construction Products Regulation (CPR), which is currently still under discussion. This Regulations sets out to establish harmonised conditions for the sale of construction products and the rules for the use of the CE mark. The main issues introduced by the Regulation include the introduction, among the basic construction requirements, of requirements concerning the sustainable use of natural resources (BWR 7) as well as the extension of health, hygiene and environmental requirements (BWR 3).
The seminar aims to offer a critical analysis of the new regulation, in order to foresee the possible consequences, in particular for the floor and wall ceramic tiling sector.


Speaker Giorgio Timellini More

Giorgio Timellini

Centro Ceramico Bologna
Biographical notes:
Giorgio Timellini is a Full Professor in Material Science and Technology and teaches Applied Chemistry and Material Science and Technology at the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Bologna. He is the Manager of the Ceramic Centre in Bologna, where he carries out research, focusing in particular on ceramic tiles and on the environmental impact of ceramic processes and products. He is President of CEN TC 67 “Ceramic Tiles”, and coordinates the Working Group SC3-GL4, entrusted with developing a UNI regulation regarding the design and installation of ceramic tiling.

Alessandro Tenaglia More

Alessandro Tenaglia

Biographical notes:
Alessandro Tenaglia, a graduate in Industrial Chemistry, is a Senior Scientist at the Ceramic Centre, where he carries out research on raw materials for ceramics, the problems linked to the re-use of industrial waste, technological innovation, regulations and certification. He is a member of national and international science associations. He takes part in the following technical committees: 
-    CEN/TC 67 “Ceramic Tiles”, convenor of WG1, “test methods”
- CEN/TC 339 “Slip resistance of pedestrian surfaces”
- ISO/TC 189 “Ceramic tiles”, convenor of WG1 “Test methods”
He has been entrusted by UNIDO with carrying out missions in the People’s Republic of China. He has held conferences and seminars in Australia, New Zealand, Canada, Singapore and Hong Kong on issues regarding ceramic tiles, and has taught on continuing education programmes of the American Institute of Architects.
He is head and scientific coordinator of research projects of national and international scope.
