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Cersaie 2009: Conferences and Seminars
Understanding modernity. Protection of 20th century architecture as a cornerstone of contemporary projects

Saturday 03 October - 10.00 a.m.
Galleria dell'Architettura

Many of the most important buildings of the 20th century have now long passed the age of half a century. Even more recent important buildings have now become “historicised” due to the increasingly rapid circulation of information, including in the field of architecture.
As a result, buildings from the last century have been the object of attention comparable to that reserved for more distant ages.
But knowledge and preservation of modern architecture, in terms of technology, function and architectural significance, is seamlessly linked to contemporary architecture, therefore requiring specific keys for interpretation and criteria for intervention.


Coordinator Giuliano Gresleri More
Understanding Modernism: The difficulty of the interlocutor

Giuliano Gresleri

Professor of History of Architecture at the University of Bologna
Understanding Modernism: The difficulty of the interlocutor

Modernism is not a style like any other in the tradition of western architecture. The sequence of traditional styles that culminated in Eclecticism in the mid nineteenth century is fairly well known by the public because it is taught at school according to a logical procedure aiming to demonstrate a purported continuity between the various phases of western architecture (Greek, Roman, Romanesque, Gothic, etc.).  What we refer to as Modernism is the collection of architectural practices that were tried out in Europe and America in the second half of the nineteenth century as a result of complex economic and political contingencies that wished to break entirely with the tradition of the past. This tradition finally died out in about the 1920s without succeeding in establishing a common and universally intelligible code because non-European cultures remain highly autochthonous. As a result, its contents are changeable and require constant adaptation on the part of the interlocutor, for whom it is always difficult to interpret the messages with which it is associated. Modern architects on the other hand are not concerned as to whether or not this communication is carried out convincingly because they in turn are disoriented by the enormous quantity of variables that are involved in a contemporary project. For this reason architectural criticism has found a major ally in the media which is often able to convey the modern message and provide the public with the tools to decipher what might otherwise be unintelligible.

Biographical notes

. Professor of Architectural History at University of Bologna;
. Member of Pesidential Council at Fondation Le Corbusier, Paris;
. Viting Professor and Visiting Critic at New York Institute of Technology, School of Architecture;
. Member of XVII "Triennale di Milano" board;
. Editor in chief of PARAMETRO, 1970-85, now coeditor;
. Founder member of International Museum of Design (Bologna);
. Member of Association "Amici della galleria d'Arte Moderna di Bologna";
. Director of Architecture section of Historical Archives of University of Bologna;
. Member, for Architectural School of Cesena-University of Bologna, of the master on "Landscape Projecting"
. Author of more tha 350 essays, his writings has been translated in several languages;
. He has been invited and has edited exibitions in the main Museum in Europe and America;
. Several projects has been published in italian and foreign language architectural review;
. Project and building manager for the reconstruction of Esprit Noveau Pavillon (1977);
. Member of Scientific Group for "Museo della città di Bologna".

Speaker Alessandro Marata More
Case study: restoration of Grande Albergo Ausonia Hungaria - Venezia Lido

Alessandro Marata

Lecturer at Cesena Architecture Faculty
The façade of the Hotel Hungaria at the Venice Lido was built in 1912. It is one of the most important examples in the world of multicoloured majolica façade in terms of its quality and size (more than seven hundred square metres). The restoration project was completed in just five months through close cooperation between the specialist companies involved, the Venice Architectural Heritage Office and the University of Padua. The surveying and restoration work was fully documented in the book entitled “Se le pietre potessero parlare” (“If stones could speak”), published in Venice in 2008.

Biographical notes
Lecturer at faculty of Architecture of Cesena, Chairman of the Order of Architects of Bologna and owner of the firm Arkit & Partners.
He was won numerous awards and recognitions in national and international competitions and was invited to the exhibition “Italian Architects under 50” at the Triennale in Milan.

Marcello Balzani More
The importance of modern architecture. Knowledge as a basis for understanding

Marcello Balzani

Director of DIAPReM Departmental Centre, Architecture Department of University of Ferrara
The importance of modern architecture. Knowledge as a basis for understanding

The importance of modern architecture is a complex theme in terms of both criticism and application. Suffice it to think of how direct perception of the built fabric enables visitors and citizens to identify with the urban space defined by the characteristics of the complex and variable modern city, where the processes of transformation are often linked ambiguously to vague desires and needs stemming from a superficial and now widespread negative view of everything that is not old. There is therefore an urgent need to develop new technologies and methods (and the attention that for several years has been focused on modern architecture as historical and archaeological material from the present day is an important indicator in this respect) for rediscovering this new city, which, although its creators are in some cases still living, is perhaps at greater risk than the old city because its characteristics are misunderstood and it is excluded from redevelopment and philological restoration and thus subject to rapid functional restructuring that breaks down and disperses its elements of identity.

Biographical notes
Marcello Balzani (Forlì, 1962), architect, associate professor at the Department of Architecture of the University of Ferrara; director of DIAPReM (Department Centre for Development of Integrated Procedures for Restoration of Monuments) of the University of Ferrara; editor of architecture and urban planning magazines "Paesaggio Urbano" and “Architetti”.

Federica Legnani More
Protection of modern and contemporary buildings amongst urban planning tools of the Municipality of Bologna

Federica Legnani

Municipality of Bologna, Urban Planning Unit
Protection of modern and contemporary buildings amongst urban planning tools of the Municipality of Bologna

The PSC (Municipal Structural Plan) and RUE (Urban Planning and Building Regulations) of Bologna devote special attention to modern and contemporary architecture. The trade press was surveyed to assess interest in works in Bologna. An initial selection of surveyed buildings of particularly high quality is published in the Single Territorial Charter of the Municipal Structural Plan: these buildings are afforded the same level of protection as old buildings. A second selection consisting of buildings of documentary interest for modern architecture is published in the tables of the RUE together with specific characteristics sheets for the building work.
Biographical notes
A doctor of research in building and territorial engineering and an employee of the Municipality of Bologna, she has contributed to the development of municipal urban planning tools for municipalities including Parma, Reggio Emilia, Cattolica and Bologna. She has taught and carried out research in many universities and has worked as lecturer in fundamentals of urban planning at the University of Parma and as editor of the magazine Urbanistica.

Alfonso Acocella More
Persistence and updating of traditional materials in Modern architecture

Alfonso Acocella

Lecturer at Ferrara Architecture Faculty
Persistence and updating of traditional materials in Modern architecture

The report aims to focus on the development of technologies and formal languages characterised by the persistence of traditional materials (particularly clay, stone and ceramic) which are forced to evolve in terms of their construction methods by the innovative culture of Modern architecture, in which reinforced concrete structures have become established and increasingly widespread.
The investigation will focus on a series of works of architecture (by Giuseppe Muzio, Gio Ponti, Angelo Mazzoni, Ignazio Gardella, Adalberto Libera, Giuseppe Moretti and Mario Ridolfi) capable of exemplifying the periods and Italian contributions to renovation of modern European architecture.

Biographical notes
Professor of Technology of architecture at Faculty of Architecture of Ferrara; currently teaches “Building with stone” and “Metaproject” on the new Degree Course in Industrial Design. He is head of “Public relations and communication” for the faculty.
He is Vice Chairman of SItdA. He is Chairman of the Scientific Committee of the Dynamic Clay and Terracotta Museum of Marsciano
He has published numerous books focusing on building methods using clay products and stone.
