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Cersaie 2010: Conferences and Seminars
Training in the ceramic sector in Emilia-Romagna

Friday 01 October - 3.00 p.m.
Galleria dell'Architettura

The current state of training in the ceramic sector. The needs and possible proposals for supporting competitiveness.


Rolando Giovannini More

Rolando Giovannini

Principal, Istituto Ballardini of Faenza
Biographical notes
Rolando  Giovannini is a Knight of the Order of Merit of the Italian Republic. He studied at the Technological Department of the “Ballardini” Art Institute, which he now directs, after which he graduated with full marks in Geology  then gained a diploma in Decoration at the Academy of Fine Arts in Bologna. In 1975 he qualified for the role of Researcher for CNR. He is Professor of Marketing at the Academy of Fine Arts in Ravenna, Italy. He is a member of the Working Group of MIUR – Rome for reform of the Italian secondary school, art schools.
He was a member of the art movements “Nose” with Cesare Reggiani (1976-78) and “A Tempo e a Fuoco” curated by Vittorio Fagone (1982-1985), in which he conducted research into ceramics and neon. He has collaborated with Bruno Munari (“Giocare con l’Arte”, M.I.C. Faenza 1979-82), Paola Navone (1984), Sottsass Associati (1986), Alessandro Guerriero (1992), Marta Sansoni and Marco Zanini (1995), Alessandra Alberici and Giorgio Montanari (1997-2007), Tullio Mazzotti (1999-2009), Giovanni Levanti (2000-07), Franco Laera and Vanni Pasca (2003), Dante Donegani (2004), Massimo Iosa Ghini (2005), Sergio Calatroni, Ilaria De Palma (2007), Mario Pisani (2008) and Alessandro Castiglioni, Maria Rita Bentini, Veronica Dal Buono (2009), Muky, and Mara De Fanti (2010).
A theorist of design, he has written essays, articles and three books on the topic of design for use in schools. He founded the movement NeoCeramica (2007), created the collection of Tiles from the Second Half of the Twentieth Century at MIC Faenza (since 1978), and curated the scientific project for the Documentation Centre and Museum (Confindustria Ceramica, Sassuolo) and the Contemporary Section of the Spezzano Castle Museum in Fiorano. In August 2008 in Faenza he laid the foundations for MISA (Museo Istituto Statale Arte).
He has created objects for factories in Italy and Japan, while his public works include the interiors of the Shin-Kobe Subway-Metro station, Shinkansen Station in Kobe, Japan. Some of his works are housed in the Victoria and Albert Museum in London and in the Foshan Creative Industry Park Investment & Management LTD, Foshan, China. He has been invited to “Modern Pot Art”, The 2010 Second China (Shanghai) International Modern Pot Art Biennial Exhibition, Shanghai, China (2010).  Art Director of the “Tile Fashion” magazine from 1993 to 2000, since 2000 he has been the editor of the Arte, Fashion e Design section of the monthly magazine C. I. of Il Sole 24 ore S.p.A. Since May 2010 he has been a member of the Order of Journalists and Political Journalists.

Carlo Cottica More

Carlo Cottica

Chairman for Training, Schools and Universities, Confindustria Ceramica
Biographical notes
Carlo Cottica, a native of Ferrara, Italy, graduated with top marks in Economics from the University of  Bologna. In 1968 he began working in the ceramic sector as junior controller at Marazzi Ceramiche, where he would remain for the next 31 years. Initially administrative and financial director and subsequently general manager, he played a key role in the company’s internationalisation process and served as managing director of the international division. In this capacity he spent six years in Dallas, Texas and another three years in Lyon, France.
In the year 2000 he joined the executive board of Concorde Group with numerous responsibilities, including human resources, industrial relations and training.

Giorgio Timellini More

Giorgio Timellini

Centro Ceramico di Bologna
Biographical notes
Giorgio Timellini is a Full Professor in Material Science and Technology and teaches Applied Chemistry and Material Science and Technology at the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Bologna. He is the Manager of the Ceramic Centre in Bologna, where he carries out research, focusing in particular on ceramic tiles and on the environmental impact of ceramic processes and products. He is President of CEN TC 67 “Ceramic Tiles”, and coordinates the Working Group SC3-GL4, entrusted with developing a UNI regulation regarding the design and installation of ceramic tiling.

Paola Careddu More

Paola Careddu

Director of Cerform

Francesco Bergomi More

Francesco Bergomi

Confindustria Ceramica
Biographical notes
Aged 54, he is a director of Confindustria Ceramica and works in the fields of training and safety. He was director of Federceramica (Milan) from 1998 to 2006 and is currently Chairman of ENCS (National body for ceramics and silicates) and of CEN/TC 163 (technical standards for sanitary appliances).


Video interview

Carlo Cottica
Francesco Bergomi
Paola Careddu
Rolando Giovannini
Giorgio Timellini