Bologna - Italy    22 - 26 / 09 / 2025

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Cersaie 2010: Conferences and Seminars
beautiful ideas. Conference and award presentation for competition of ideas

Friday 01 October - 3.00 p.m.
Palazzo dei Congressi

Presentation of projects of the first edition of the contest “beautiful ideas” for students from nine Italian architecture universities and design schools. The entries to the competition, themed “Ceramic Eden”, was launched during the last edition of the tradeshow to select the design for the advertising page of Cersaie 2010. The 123 projects will displayed at the exhibit in “Fare Grafica - beautiful ideas”.The exhibition will be presented on October 1st at the end of the Beautiful Ideas conference scheduled for 3pm at the Palazzo dei Congressi, that will include a face to face between judges and students, the award ceremony, and the launch of the competition for 2012.


Dante Donegani More

Dante Donegani


Moderator Aldo Colonetti More

Aldo Colonetti

Scientific Curator
Biographical notes
Aldo Colonetti (Bergamo, 1945)
Philosopher, historian and art, design and architecture theorist.
Since 1998, Scientific Director of the IED Group (Milan, Turin, Rome, Venice, Madrid, Barcelona, São Paulo); Vice-president of the Francesco Morelli Institute – European Design Institute.
Since 1991, Editor-in-chief of “Ottagono”; Vice-president of Editrice Compositori.
Author of essays, curator of exhibitions, organiser of cultural projects and events, in Italy and abroad. 
Design and architecture consultant to the Culture Office of the Ministry for Foreign Affairs.
In 2001 he received an MBE award from Her Majesty Queen Elisabeth II. 
Since March 2009, member of the Italian National Design Council, under the auspices of the Ministries for Culture, Foreign Affairs and Productive Activities.
Since May 2009, member of the Board of Directors of  CLAC – Centro Legno e Arredo Cantù.

Speaker Lia Piano More

Lia Piano

Fondazione Renzo Piano

Franco Origoni More

Franco Origoni



Video interview

Aldo Colonetti
Lia Piano
Franco Origoni
Dante Donegani
Alessandra Parodi