Bologna - Italy    23 - 27 / 09 / 2024

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“MONOLITH”, designed by Gianluca Paludi, is the new collection
of ceramic sanitary ware by Olympia Ceramica. Its shape is
simple, clean, definitely elegant.
As a result of the careful design, the toilet replaces the
conventional flushing systems thanks to the “Hidden
Vortex” technology, where the flush is perfectly hidden.
In this way, the inside part of the toilet is smooth and free from any area
difficult to reach, making the cleaning operations easier
and achieving the highest possible standards
of hygiene.
The design of “MONOLITH” is also particularly focused on the
environmental aspect, by saving a lot of water
during the flushing phase. At the same time, it ensures an extreme
silence during the flushing phase.
Another feature of considerable importance, in the case of an application in
a refurbishment, concerns the possibility to replace
most pre-existing sanitary fixtures: this collection allows
the replacement of toilets and bidets without any type of remedial floor or wall coverings.



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