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Cersaie 2010: Conferences and Seminars
Light and Shadow. A contrast method as a driver of sustainability

Thursday 30 September - 4.00 p.m.
Galleria dell'Architettura

Light/Shadow as two indissolubly linked elements, the two effects combined for mutual enhancement or contrasted as a way of accentuating their differences.
Light/Shadow as an ancient and yet extremely contemporary method of design, as a moment of reflection on sustainability in terms of energy and perception.
Light/Shadow as the promoter of an ancient yet extremely contemporary method of design, capable of lending value to surfaces, to the recesses and projections of buildings, of providing concrete solutions to the need to construct energetically sustainable buildings.
The theme of Light/Shadow offers an opportunity to reflect on sustainability in terms of energy and perception, because – as the ancients and Le Corbusier taught us – we live with “forms in light”.
These reflections may serve as the starting point for exploring projects in which light and shadow constitute a design method for sustainability and architectural narrative.


Paolo Di Nardo More

Paolo Di Nardo

Architect and Professor at Faculty of Architecture, University of Florence
Biographical notes
Paolo Di Nardo graduated in Florence in 1985 and achieved a Ph.D. in Architectural Design, at the same University.
He coordinates a team that, for more than fifteen years, has participated in numerous architectural competitions in Italy and abroad gaining recognition and awards (Michelucci Fondaution award; Biennale Produzioni Culturali Giovanili dell’Europa Mediterranea award; Under40 Comune di Firenze award; Around50 award) and is carryng out his professional activity in the field of architectural and urban planning, with particular focus on the themes of perception and visual communication in architecture.
In 2003 he founded the ARX studio with the aim of enabling the management of architectural ideation through a mutual exchange between research and achievement.
In 2004 his plan of Requalification of the Pescaia (weir) di San Niccolò at Florence (passages of Water and Stone) was selected for the Venice La Biennale di Architettura. In 2006 he won the International competition for the Polo Universitario ex Guidotti at Pisa with Roger Diener, Obermayer and Heliopolis 21.
The extensive professional occupation of Paolo Di Nardo is further amplified by a strong university activity at the Florence Faculty of Architecture where he is lecturer of planning of the Laboratorio di Architettura II.
He is, furthermore, the editorial director of the four-monthly magazine AND “Magazine of architecture, city and architects” based in Florence and published by DNA.

Giovanni Vaccarini More

Giovanni Vaccarini

Biographical notes
Giovanni Vaccarini He was born in Italy on 19 November, 1966.
He graduated in 1993 with full marks in Architecture at the University of Studies "G. D'Annunzio" in Pescara.
In 1994 he won a price for a specialisation about landscape architecture at the Waterloo University, Environmental Studies, School of Architecture Ontario - Canada.
He is research doctor (PhD) - architectural composition.
From 1995 to 2001 he teached and carried out researches at the Faculty of Architecture at the University "G. D'Annunzio" in Pescara.
Currently he is Visiting Professor in several Italian universities (faculties of architecture and engineering).
He participated in several national and international architectural competitions received awards and recognitions
 His projects have been published in various books, magazines and websites specialzzati, including, Casabella, Building, Architecture, Project, the ark, Architecture, Parameter, AD, Clarin, Monument, just
24 hours, bob etc. ...
The study is a major Italian studies selected in 'World Atlas of Architecture of the XXI century - Phaidon, London.

Italo Rota More

Italo Rota

Biographical notes
Italo Rota is eclectic personality of the contemporary architecture. He is one of the most charming Italian architect and designer for his experimentation in the field of setting: he conceives surprising devices and temporarily structures of extraordinary effectiveness, he creates scenery and magical ambiences that go with exhibitions and events.
Distinctive features of Studio Rota & Partners are the richness of forms, colours, materials. This accumulation of means – including the characteristic using of light, curvatures, bold bent lines -gives the designs the impression of multidimensionality, merging of spaces, movement. Interiors, objects, everyday items appear to be incredibly vivid and full of life.


Video interview

Paolo Di Nardo
Giovanni Vaccarini
Fabio Fornasari